Welcome to IconCool Studio Shortcut Key Info
In IconCool Studio, quicker and easier shortcut keys processing offer you the same impressed image effect and save your precious time.
All the shortcut keys and functions are listed specifically as follows:
File menu:
- Ctrl + N =New
- Ctrl +O =Open
- Ctrl +S =Save
- Ctrl +W =Close
- Ctrl +Q =Exit
Edit menu:
- Ctrl + Z =Undo
- Ctrl +Y =Redo
- Ctrl +X =Cut
- Ctrl +C =Copy
- Ctrl +V =Paste
- Del =Delete
- Ctrl +A =Select All
- Ctrl +D =Deselect
- F4 =Resize the Image
- F2 =Add New Format
- F3 =Create New Project...
- Ctrl +Del =Remove the Format
- F5 =Icon Properties
Tools menu:
- N = Invert
- V =Move Tool
- L =Line
- P =Pencil
- B =Brush
- R =Rectangle
- F =Filled Rectangle
- X=Ellipse
- D =Filled Ellipse
- C =Color Picker
- A = Paint Bucket
- E =Eraser Tools
- S =3D Frame
- G =Lighting Effect
View menu:
- Ctrl + "+" = Zoom in
- Ctrl + "-" =Zoom out
Help menu: